Upper Darby

Good Morning…

20090407b by you.

Upper Darby is a strange place.  Not really sure how to describe it.  Today was the first full production day on the DCFC tour. GBK_2807 by you.

I spent about 30% of my time walking to Walgreens to buy random stuff.  Like seriously, 30% of my day walking up and down the street.  I did not go into Golden Krust, but it made me wonder where Cherry is. I know she will be at Coachella, one of the 80+ members of MIA’s new entourage.  Very happy I am not the leader of that.

GBK_2811 by you.

Upper Darby doesn’t have a ton to offer.  But if you need anything Hoochie in Black, White and Yellow, they got you covered.

GBK_2815 by you.