Not even once…

Good morning…

Photo 55 by you.

It was actually about 2pm when I finally woke up.  Not sleeping on the flight or the night before the flight really made me tired.  I order a burger from room service.

A cider to wash it down.

GBK_4050 by you.

And a delicious Lemon Tart to finish it off.

Then it was time for a little work, and then  a nap.  When I woke up, time for dinner.  Potato Leek soup.  I need to “learn” how to make this, I love soup.

And my favorite British meal, Sausage and Mash.

It was actually not my favorite version of it, but I didn’t have to leave the room to get it.  I actually never stepped out of my room.  The closest I came is when I slid my trays out side the door, but I kept one foot in the door so it wouldn’t close on me.

Just what the doctor ordered.