You ever get stuck and don’t know what to do.  I think some people, mostly writers might call it writer’s block. Basically I got tired, I mean real tired.  I got so tired that I almost left the house with no pants on.  I had boxers on, so I wouldn’t have been arrested or anything.  So tired that I left the house with the door left open and started driving away.  And the last thing I needed to do was try and write about that.

So I stopped.



So….FUCK IT.  Let’s get this party started again.

The winter is long, and it is cold.  How cold, look at this shit…

This is not my house, although that is something that might come up later in this fucking thing.

This is not our house either.  I realized above I said my house.  I don’t have a house anymore.  We have a house.

This is not our car, our car is go.  The Fit is Go!

Anyone want to buy my D300.  I am trying to sell it so I can buy a D90.  The D300 is a little bit too much camera for a guy like me.  And I want to shoot funny video of Nate dancing around the office.  Oh, that is something new to talk about too….