Never Forget

Corey was talking about getting a memorial tattoo for this blog.  It was sweet, and I wish I had put off posting again until he got it.  He has a bunch of blogs going, the newest a podcast with Dan Pirone, more about him later.  It is about movies, and you should check it out.  So, What Are You Watching?

The Alamo Shrine at night looking west from Alamo Plaze c. 1960

I found these old postcards while digging thru some stuff in my desk at Nate and I’s new office.  We have only been here for a few months, but 51 Eggs is going strong.

Front of the Alamo Shrine looking west from Alamo Plaza c. 1910

Along with Abe Lincoln and the Easter Island Heads, The Alamo has been a focus point for Nate and I’s obsession.

Fall of the Alamo by Theodore Gentilz (1819-1906) Gentilz’s orginal 1885 painting of the attack on the Alamo was lost in a fire around 1905.

When we went on our first big summer road-trip, The Alamo was the destination.  Well there was a trip back east the summer before, but I didn’t go on that one.

Dawn at the Alamo by Arthur McArdle (1836-1908) Completed 1905, this famous painting hangs in the Texas Capitol in Austin, Texas.

We always made sure to stop there on future tours as well.  Not sure why, it really isn’t that interesting of a place.

Front of the Alamo Shrine looking south from Convento Courtyard c 1912-1920.

And really, the idea of Remember the Alamo.  Someone might need to explain to me what we are remembering again.

Font of the Alamo Shrine looking west from Alamo Plaza c 1920.

The Alamo Shrine at night showing the lights of the old Medical Arts Buildin c. 1960.

Alamo Plaza, Long Barrack, and Shrine c. 1918.

Modern view of Live Oak tree in Convento Courtyard.

Modern View of the Alamo Shrine looking northeast from Alamo Plaza.

The Alamo Shrine looking southeast c. 1960.

Modern view of the interior of the Alamo Shrine.

This is on the first road trip.  Summer of 1993.  Remember when Bullwinkle was a Taco Bell spokesperson.  That I remember.

This is on the first Cleaver’s national tour.  When I say national, I mean we were on the road for 29 days.  When I say tour, I mean we actually had 4 shows.

Corey and I, probably in 2000, on a Murder City Devils tour.

Merchbot2000 and Gabe  by Murder City Devils.