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{ Category Archives } The Old Blog

This category is for all posts from the old days

Don’t want you to think…

I’ve gone soft of anything.  So, to the assholes waiting to get seated at the Shanghai Gardens last night who kept bumping into me and standing up against our table, wait your fucking turn.  Other than that, dinner was great. A little Moo Shu Pork to start the evening.  It was decided that very few […]

Who’s There?

Banana. So finally, after three days of constant obsession, I found someone who wanted my D300, and they just happened to have a D90.  So we met a parking lot in Renton to make the exchange.  Don’t worry, it wasn’t a straight across trade, I got a little $$$ as well.  The wait was worth […]

False Advertising

Today for lunch we bought into the hype. They are $1.49 a piece. Or you can pick any 2 for $2.98 Packing it up for us. THIS IS NOT WHAT IT LOOKED LIKE. This is what it looked like.


You ever get stuck and don’t know what to do.  I think some people, mostly writers might call it writer’s block. Basically I got tired, I mean real tired.  I got so tired that I almost left the house with no pants on.  I had boxers on, so I wouldn’t have been arrested or anything.  […]

Not even once…

Good morning… It was actually about 2pm when I finally woke up.  Not sleeping on the flight or the night before the flight really made me tired.  I order a burger from room service. A cider to wash it down. And a delicious Lemon Tart to finish it off. Then it was time for a […]